

Suitable for potential super-startups and brand revamps for companies.

  • E-Commerce Website Design and Development
  • Customized Tailor-Made Design
  • Unlimited Products
  • Unlimited Categories
  • 20 Banner Designs
  • Sliding Banner
  • 20 Stock Photos
  • Unlimited Revisions
  • Special Hover Effects
  • Content/Inventory Management System
  • Mobile Responsive
  • Product Reviews & Ratings
  • Product Summary Reports (Out of stock / Most Sold / Lowest sale etc) By Date
  • Multiple Filtrations Option
  • Multiple Shorting Options (Newest / Price / Alphabetical / Rating)
  • Product View with Multiple Views
  • Product Rating
  • Product Detail with Similar Product Range
  • Coupon Code Generation (by category and product)
  • Product Comparison
  • User Signup Area
  • User Sign-in Area
  • User Dashboard Area
  • Auto Email for Profile Validation & Notification(s)
  • Last Purchase Order Details (download invoice)
  • Customer Login / Registration via Social Login Facebook and Google+
  • Customer profile management (From Backend and Frontend)
  • Discounted Products Showcase
  • New Arrival Products Showcase
  • Discount Coupons
  • Easy Product Search Bar
  • Shopping Cart Integration
  • Payment Module Integration
  • Multiple Currency Integration
  • Cross Platform Responsive Compatibility (Desktop, iPhone, Android, etc.)
  • Cross Browser Compatibility (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.)
  • Tax calculator Integration
  • Shipping calculator Integration
  • Wishlist
  • Import/Export Order
  • Bulk Import/export of Order information
  • Bulk Product Upload From Excel Sheet
  • Export order into excel sheet
  • Live Chat Integration
  • Search Engine Submission
  • SEO Friendly
  • Web Analytics Integration
  • Monthly Traffic Reporting
  • Social Media Pages Integration
  • Blog page (If Required)
  • Sitemap
  • Complete W3C Validation
  • Dedicated Team of Designers and Developers
  • Complete Deployment
  • Complete Source Files
  • Dedicated Project Manager
  • 100% Ownership Rights
  • 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee